Source code for eoddata_client.eoddata_client

EodData HTTP Client.
import logging
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

import requests

from functools import wraps

from eoddata_client.business_entities import (
    EodDataExchange, EodDataQuoteCompact, EodDataQuoteExtended,
    EodDataSymbol, EodDataSymbolCompact

    ('1', 'One minute'),
    ('5', 'Five minutes'),
    ('10', 'Ten minutes'),
    ('15', 'Fifteen minutes'),
    ('30', 'Thirty minutes'),
    ('h', 'Hour'),
    ('d', 'Day'),
    ('w', 'Week'),
    ('m', 'Month'),

MSG_SUCCESS = 'Success'
MSG_LOGIN_SUCCESS = 'Login Successful'
MSG_INVALID_CREDENTIALS = 'Invalid Username or Password'
MSG_INVALID_TOKEN = 'Invalid Token'
MSG_NOT_LOGGED_IN = 'Not logged in'
MSG_INVALID_EXCHANGE_CODE = 'Invalid Exchange Code'
MSG_INVALID_SYMBOL_CODE = 'Invalid Symbol Code'
MSG_PART_ACCESS_LIMIT = 'You can only access'
MSG_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE = 'No data available'

[docs]class Error(Exception): """Base error for this module."""
[docs]class TestEnvironmentNotSet(Error): """Test environment variables not set."""
[docs]class InvalidTokenError(Error): """Request was sent with invalid token."""
[docs]class InvalidExchangeCodeError(Error): """Error trying to get data for unknown exchange."""
[docs]class InvalidSymbolCodeError(Error): """Error trying to get data for unknown symbol."""
[docs]class InvalidCredentialsError(Error): """Error trying to login with invalid credentials."""
[docs]class NoDataAvailableError(Error): """Error trying to access unavailable data"""
[docs]class EodDataInternalServerError(Error): """Internal server error occurred when requesting data from EodData wev service. """
[docs]class ReloginDepthReachedError(Error): """Relogin depth reached."""
[docs]class AccessLimitError(Error): """Error trying to access data beyond available subscription."""
[docs]class EodDataHttpClient(object): """EodData web service client. Endpoints: - CountryList - country_list; - DataClientLatestVersion - data_client_latest_version; - DataFormats - data_formats; - ExchangeGet - exchange_detail; - ExchangeList - exchange_list; - ExchangeMonths - exchange_months; - FundamentalList - fundamental_list; - Login - login; - NewsList - news_list; - NewsListBySymbol - news_list_by_symbol; - QuoteGet - quote_detail; - QuoteList - quote_list; - QuoteList2 - quote_list_specific; - QuoteListByDate - quote_list_by_date; - QuoteListByDate2 - quote_list_by_date_compact; - QuoteListByDatePeriod - quote_list_by_date_period; - QuoteListByDatePeriod2 - quote_list_by_date_period_compact; - SplitListByExchange; - SplitListBySymbol; - SymbolChangesByExchange; - SymbolChart; - SymbolGet; - SymbolHistory - symbol_history; - SymbolHistoryPeriod - symbol_history_period; - SymbolHistoryPeriodByDateRange - symbol_history_period; - SymbolList - symbol_list; - SymbolList2 - symbol_list_compact; - TechnicalList; - Top10Gains; - Top10Losses; - UpdateDataFormat; - ValidateAccess. """ def __init__(self, username, password, base_url='', max_login_retries=3, logger=None): """ Args: username (str): Account username. password (str): Account password. base_url (str): Base url of SOAP service (defaults to ``). max_login_retries (int): Maximum login retries, increase if there are several clients working in parallel. logger (logging.Logger): Client logger. """ self._token = '' self._username = username self._password = password self._max_login_retries = max_login_retries self._base_url = base_url self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger('eoddata_client')
[docs] def retry_limit(func): """Decorator to have control over retry count. Returns: Wrapped function. Raises: ReloginDepthReachedError """ func.recursion_depth = 0 @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self = args[0] if func.recursion_depth > self._max_login_retries: raise ReloginDepthReachedError func.recursion_depth += 1 result = func(*args, **kwargs) func.recursion_depth = 0 return result return wrapper
[docs] def get_params(self, additional=None): """Get dictionary with parameters for a request. Args: additional (dict or None): Additional parameters for a request. Returns: Dictionary with parameters for a request. """ parameters = {'Token': self._token} if additional: parameters.update(additional) return parameters
[docs] def retry(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Try to get a new token and call function one more time Args: func: Function to retry Returns: Result of func() call """'Retry to execute function %s with a new token.', func.__name__) self.login() return func(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def process_response(self, response): """Process response from EodData web service. All responses from EodData web service have common format. This method is kind of a wrapper to process all responses. Args: response (requests.Response): Response that comes from EodData web service. Returns: bool, True - success, False - expired / invalid token Raises: InvalidExchangeCode, InvalidSymbolCode, EodDataInternalServerError, NoDataAvailableError """ if response.status_code == 200: root = ET.fromstring(response.text) message = root.attrib['Message'] if message == MSG_SUCCESS: return True elif message == MSG_LOGIN_SUCCESS: self._token = root.attrib['Token'] return True elif message == MSG_INVALID_CREDENTIALS: raise InvalidCredentialsError(message) elif message == MSG_INVALID_TOKEN or message == MSG_NOT_LOGGED_IN: return False elif message == MSG_INVALID_EXCHANGE_CODE: raise InvalidExchangeCodeError(message) elif message == MSG_INVALID_SYMBOL_CODE: raise InvalidSymbolCodeError(message) elif message.startswith(MSG_PART_ACCESS_LIMIT): raise AccessLimitError(message) elif message == MSG_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE: raise NoDataAvailableError(message) elif response.status_code == 500: raise EodDataInternalServerError
[docs] def login(self): """Login to EODData Financial Information Web Service. Used for Web Authentication. Returns: bool, whether authentication was successful or not. """ data = { 'Username': self._username, 'Password': self._password } response = + 'Login', data=data) return self.process_response(response)
[docs] @retry_limit def country_list(self): """Returns a list of available countries. Returns: List of tuples with country code and country name. For example: [('AF', 'Afghanistan'), ('AL', 'Albania'), ('DZ', 'Algeria'), ('AS', 'American Samoa'), ('AD', 'Andorra'), ('AO', 'Angola')] """ response = requests.get(self._base_url + 'CountryList', params=self.get_params()) if self.process_response(response): root = ET.fromstring(response.text) countries_element = root[0] countries = [] for country in countries_element: countries.append( (country.attrib['Code'], country.attrib['Name']) ) return countries else: return self.retry(self.country_list)
[docs] @retry_limit def data_client_latest_version(self): """Returns the latest version information of Data Client. Returns: String with the latest version of data client in format "MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.HOTFIX". """ response = requests.get(self._base_url + 'DataClientLatestVersion', params=self.get_params()) if self.process_response(response): root = ET.fromstring(response.text) version = root[0].text return version else: return self.retry(self.data_client_latest_version)
[docs] @retry_limit def data_formats(self): """Returns the list of data formats.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @retry_limit def exchange_detail(self, exchange_code): """Get detailed information about an exchange. Returns: EodDataExchange or None """ additional = {'Exchange': exchange_code.upper()} response = requests.get(self._base_url + 'ExchangeGet', params=self.get_params(additional)) if self.process_response(response): root = ET.fromstring(response.text) exchange_element = root[0] return EodDataExchange.from_xml(exchange_element) else: return self.retry(self.exchange_detail, exchange_code)
[docs] @retry_limit def exchange_list(self, output_format='entity-list'): """Get all available exchanges. Returns: list or pandas.DataFrame: EodData exchanges. """ response = requests.get(self._base_url + 'ExchangeList', params=self.get_params()) if self.process_response(response): root = ET.fromstring(response.text) exchanges_xml = list(root[0]) exchanges = [] for exchange_xml in exchanges_xml: exchange = EodDataExchange.from_xml(exchange_xml) if exchange: exchanges.append(exchange) return EodDataExchange.format(exchanges, output_format=output_format) else: return self.retry(self.exchange_list, output_format=output_format)
[docs] @retry_limit def exchange_months(self): """ Returns the number of Months history a user is allowed to download. """ # TODO: add this endpoint raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @retry_limit def fundamental_list(self): """ Returns a complete list of fundamental data for an entire exchange. """ # TODO: add this endpoint raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @retry_limit def news_list(self, exchange_code): """Returns a list of News articles for an entire exchange.""" # TODO: add this endpoint raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @retry_limit def news_list_by_symbol(self, exchange_code): """Returns a list of News articles for a given Exchange and Symbol.""" # TODO: add this endpoint raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @retry_limit def quote_detail(self, exchange_code, symbol): """Get an end of day quote for a specific symbol. Returns: EodDataQuoteExtended or None. """ additional = { 'Exchange': exchange_code.upper(), 'Symbol': symbol.upper() } response = requests.get(self._base_url + 'QuoteGet', params=self.get_params(additional)) if self.process_response(response): root = ET.fromstring(response.text) quote_xml = [el for el in list(root) if el.tag.endswith('QUOTE')][0] return EodDataQuoteExtended.from_xml(quote_xml) else: return self.retry(self.quote_detail, exchange_code, symbol)
[docs] @retry_limit def quote_list(self, exchange_code, output_format='entity-list'): """Get a complete list of end of day quotes for an entire exchange. Args: exchange_code (str): Exchange code. Returns: list or pandas.DataFrame: EodData extended quotes. """ additional = { 'Exchange': exchange_code.upper() } response = requests.get(self._base_url + 'QuoteList', params=self.get_params(additional)) if self.process_response(response): root = ET.fromstring(response.text) quotes_xml = [el for el in list(root) if el.tag.endswith('QUOTES')][0] quotes = [] for quote_xml in list(quotes_xml): quote = EodDataQuoteExtended.from_xml(quote_xml) if quote: quotes.append(quote) return EodDataQuoteExtended\ .format(quotes, output_format=output_format, df_index='Symbol') else: return self.retry(self.quote_list, exchange_code, output_format=output_format)
[docs] @retry_limit def quote_list_specific(self, exchange_code, symbol_list, output_format='entity-list'): """Get end of day quotes for specific symbols. Args: exchange_code (str): Exchange code. symbol_list (list of str): Symbol list. Returns: list or pandas.DataFrame: EodData extended quotes. """ additional = { 'Exchange': exchange_code.upper(), 'Symbols': ','.join(symbol_list) } response = requests.get(self._base_url + 'QuoteList2', params=self.get_params(additional)) if self.process_response(response): root = ET.fromstring(response.text) quotes_xml = [el for el in list(root) if el.tag.endswith('QUOTES')][0] quotes = [] for quote_xml in list(quotes_xml): quote = EodDataQuoteExtended.from_xml(quote_xml) if quote: quotes.append(quote) return EodDataQuoteExtended\ .format(quotes, output_format=output_format, df_index='Symbol') else: return self.retry(self.quote_list_specific, exchange_code, symbol_list, output_format=output_format)
[docs] @retry_limit def quote_list_by_date(self, exchange_code, date, output_format='entity-list'): """Get a complete list of end of day quotes for an entire exchange and a specific date. Args: exchange_code: Exchange code. date ( Date. Returns: list or pandas.DataFrame: EodData extended quotes """ additional = { 'Exchange': exchange_code.upper(), 'QuoteDate': date.strftime('%Y%m%d'), } response = requests.get( self._base_url + 'QuoteListByDate', params=self.get_params(additional) ) if self.process_response(response): root = ET.fromstring(response.text) quotes_xml = [el for el in list(root) if el.tag.endswith('QUOTES')][0] quotes = [] for quote_xml in list(quotes_xml): quote = EodDataQuoteExtended.from_xml(quote_xml) if quote: quotes.append(quote) return EodDataQuoteExtended\ .format(quotes, output_format=output_format, df_index='Symbol') else: return self.retry(self.quote_list_by_date, exchange_code, date, output_format=output_format)
[docs] @retry_limit def quote_list_by_date_compact(self, exchange_code, date, output_format='entity-list'): """Get a complete list of end of day quotes for an entire exchange and a specific date (compact format). Returns: list or pandas.DataFrame: EodData compact quotes """ additional = { 'Exchange': exchange_code.upper(), 'QuoteDate': date.strftime('%Y%m%d'), } response = requests.get( self._base_url + 'QuoteListByDate2', params=self.get_params(additional) ) if self.process_response(response): root = ET.fromstring(response.text) quotes_xml = [el for el in list(root) if el.tag.endswith('QUOTES2')][0] quotes = [] for quote_xml in list(quotes_xml): quote = EodDataQuoteCompact.from_xml(quote_xml) if quote: quotes.append(quote) return EodDataQuoteCompact\ .format(quotes, output_format=output_format, df_index='Symbol') else: return self.retry(self.quote_list_by_date_compact, exchange_code, date, output_format=output_format)
[docs] @retry_limit def quote_list_by_date_period(self, exchange_code, date, period, output_format='entity-list'): """Get a complete list of end of day quotes for an entire exchange and a specific date (compact format). Returns: list or pandas.DataFrame: EodData extended quotes """ additional = { 'Exchange': exchange_code.upper(), 'QuoteDate': date.strftime('%Y%m%d'), 'Period': period } response = requests.get( self._base_url + 'QuoteListByDatePeriod', params=self.get_params(additional) ) if self.process_response(response): root = ET.fromstring(response.text) quotes_xml = [el for el in list(root) if el.tag.endswith('QUOTES')][0] quotes = [] for quote_xml in list(quotes_xml): quote = EodDataQuoteExtended.from_xml(quote_xml) if quote: quotes.append(quote) return EodDataQuoteExtended\ .format(quotes, output_format=output_format, df_index='Symbol') else: return self.retry(self.quote_list_by_date_period, exchange_code, date, period, output_format=output_format)
[docs] @retry_limit def quote_list_by_date_period_compact(self, exchange_code, date, period, output_format='entity-list'): """Get a complete list of end of day quotes for an entire exchange and a specific date (compact format). Args: exchange_code (str): Exchange code. date ( Date. period (str): Period code. Returns: list or pandas.DataFrame: EodData compact quotes. """ additional = { 'Exchange': exchange_code.upper(), 'QuoteDate': date.strftime('%Y%m%d'), 'Period': period } response = requests.get( self._base_url + 'QuoteListByDatePeriod2', params=self.get_params(additional) ) if self.process_response(response): root = ET.fromstring(response.text) quotes_xml = [el for el in list(root) if el.tag.endswith('QUOTES2')][0] quotes = [] for quote_xml in list(quotes_xml): quote = EodDataQuoteCompact.from_xml(quote_xml) if quote: quotes.append(quote) return EodDataQuoteCompact\ .format(quotes, output_format=output_format, df_index='Symbol') else: return self.retry(self.quote_list_by_date_period_compact, exchange_code, date, period, output_format)
[docs] @retry_limit def symbol_history(self, exchange_code, symbol, start_date, output_format='entity-list'): """Get a list of historical end of day data of a specified symbol and specified start date up to today's date. Args: exchange_code (str): Exchange code. symbol (str): Symbol. start_date ( Start date. Returns: list or pandas.DataFrame: EodData extended quotes. """ additional = { 'Exchange': exchange_code.upper(), 'StartDate': start_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'), 'Symbol': symbol.upper() } response = requests.get( self._base_url + 'SymbolHistory', params=self.get_params(additional) ) if self.process_response(response): root = ET.fromstring(response.text) quotes_xml = [el for el in list(root) if el.tag.endswith('QUOTES')][0] quotes = [] for quote_xml in list(quotes_xml): quote = EodDataQuoteExtended.from_xml(quote_xml) if quote: quotes.append(quote) return EodDataQuoteExtended.format(quotes, output_format=output_format) else: return self.retry(self.symbol_history, exchange_code, symbol, start_date, output_format=output_format)
[docs] @retry_limit def symbol_history_period(self, exchange_code, symbol, date, period, output_format='entity-list'): """Get a list of historical data of a specified symbol, specified date and specified period. Args: exchange_code (str): Exchange code. symbol (str): Symbol. date ( Date. period (str): Period code. Returns: list or pandas.DataFrame: EodData extended quotes. """ additional = { 'Exchange': exchange_code.upper(), 'Date': date.strftime('%Y%m%d'), 'Symbol': symbol.upper(), 'Period': period } response = requests.get( self._base_url + 'SymbolHistoryPeriod', params=self.get_params(additional) ) if self.process_response(response): root = ET.fromstring(response.text) quotes_xml = [el for el in list(root) if el.tag.endswith('QUOTES')][0] quotes = [] for quote_xml in list(quotes_xml): quote = EodDataQuoteExtended.from_xml(quote_xml) if quote: quotes.append(quote) return EodDataQuoteExtended\ .format(quotes, output_format=output_format) else: return self.retry(self.symbol_history_period, exchange_code, symbol, date, period, output_format=output_format)
[docs] @retry_limit def symbol_history_period_by_range(self, exchange_code, symbol, start_date, end_date, period, output_format='entity-list'): """Get a list of historical data of a specified symbol, specified date range and specified period. Args: exchange_code (str): Exchange code. symbol (str): Symbol. start_date ( Period start. end_date ( Period end. period (str): Period code. Returns: list or pandas.DataFrame: EodData extended quotes. """ additional = { 'Exchange': exchange_code.upper(), 'StartDate': start_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'), 'EndDate': end_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'), 'Symbol': symbol.upper(), 'Period': period } response = requests.get( self._base_url + 'SymbolHistoryPeriodByDateRange', params=self.get_params(additional) ) if self.process_response(response): root = ET.fromstring(response.text) quotes_xml = [el for el in list(root) if el.tag.endswith('QUOTES')][0] quotes = [] for quote_xml in list(quotes_xml): quote = EodDataQuoteExtended.from_xml(quote_xml) if quote: quotes.append(quote) return EodDataQuoteExtended.format(quotes, output_format=output_format) else: return self.retry(self.symbol_history_period_by_range, exchange_code, symbol, start_date, end_date, period, output_format=output_format)
[docs] @retry_limit def symbol_list(self, exchange_code, output_format='entity-list'): """Get a list of symbols of a specified exchange. Args: exchange_code (str): Exchange code. Return: list or pandas.DataFrame """ additional = { 'Exchange': exchange_code.upper() } response = requests.get( self._base_url + 'SymbolList', params=self.get_params(additional) ) if self.process_response(response): root = ET.fromstring(response.text) symbols_xml = [el for el in list(root) if el.tag.endswith('SYMBOLS')][0] symbols = [] for symbol_xml in list(symbols_xml): symbol = EodDataSymbol.from_xml(symbol_xml) if symbol: symbols.append(symbol) return EodDataSymbol.format(symbols, output_format=output_format) else: return self.retry(self.symbol_list, exchange_code, output_format=output_format)
[docs] def symbol_list_compact(self, exchange_code, output_format='entity-list'): """Get a list of symbols (compact format) of a specified exchange. Args: exchange_code (str): Exchange code. Return: list or pandas.DataFrame """ additional = { 'Exchange': exchange_code.upper() } response = requests.get( self._base_url + 'SymbolList2', params=self.get_params(additional) ) if self.process_response(response): root = ET.fromstring(response.text) symbols_xml = [el for el in list(root) if el.tag.endswith('SYMBOLS2')][0] symbols = [] for symbol_xml in list(symbols_xml): symbol = EodDataSymbolCompact.from_xml(symbol_xml) if symbol: symbols.append(symbol) return EodDataSymbolCompact\ .format(symbols, output_format=output_format) else: return self.retry(self.symbol_list, exchange_code, output_format=output_format)